The Karma Collective

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It’s our mission to help protect and improve the lives of animals in need.

Scientists believe we are witnessing Earth’s sixth mass extinction, with one million species predicted to become extinct in the coming decades. Habitat destruction, pollution, natural disasters, poaching and overharvesting are responsible for this unprecedented crisis. Sadly, not one group of animals is safe.

At home in Australia, we saw the devastation caused by bushfire with an estimated 1 billion animals killed or impacted. Suddenly, the crisis became even more real and our decision to leave the corporate world and start Karma Collective became even more important. We know that saving one species in our delicate ecosystem can save many more, and that’s why the little things we achieve are so important.

At Karma Collective, we’ve come a long way since 2016, when we started making candles at home to sell at markets around Melbourne.

A kangaroo mother and her joey
A sun bear cub chewing a leaf in the rainforest

We’ve donated over $50,000* and helped animals in Australia and overseas.

Sun Bear Outreach rescue and rehabilitate orphaned sun bear cubs in Borneo. We’ve not only donated to them, but have also had the opportunity to do hands-on work volunteering time with the bears. Without volunteers and donations, Sun Bear Outreach and many other charities would be unable to do the work they do. For us, the alternative is unimaginable.

This year we have partnered with World Animal Protection Australia to work towards their vision of a world where animals live free from cruelty and suffering.

We couldn’t do all this without you.

Every day our amazing customers improve the lives of animals around the world.

The Karma Collective online store now includes a beautiful range of gift products including our hand poured candles. You can also find our candles in retail stores around Australia. When you purchase from Karma Collective, you can be confident that you are giving a quality gift and you can also be proud that 50% of profits are donated to animal charities.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support!

* From Nov 2016 – Feb 2019 donations were allocated to World Animal Protection, Breast Cancer Network Australia and Save the Children. The Karma Collective have been focusing solely on animal welfare projects from March 2019.


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© Anna Robinson, 2024 Web Development: Mainhouse Digital