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Radio - 'Home made'

VO: When I was growing up, my family had big Australia Day barbeques. Every year we ate exactly the same food. Nanna's Nuts and bolts, homemade pickled onions, fairy cakes, jelly cakes, potato salad, sausages and Pop's special patties.

My Dad and uncles would stand around the barbeque with their beers while we played in the backyard. My uncle would call us over. "Ready for the 'secret ingredient' kids?" and he'd pour his beer onto the barbeque. In a whoosh of flames, the meat would turn black and Nanna would come running out saying, "What's going on?" and Pop would say, "Barbie's ready," (laugh).

We'd all sit down around the table with a little flag in the centre. Pop would serve the meat. It always had a hint of beer taste and we'd drown it in barbeque sauce. When we'd finished eating, we'd get slices of bread and mop up the leftover sauce from our plates.

Nanna and Pop aren't around anymore, but we still get together for Australia Day.

Last time we all caught up, my uncle had a bottle of the new Beerenberg Coopers Ale Barbeque Sauce. It made the food taste just like Pop had cooked it with my uncle's ‘secret ingredient'. Maybe not quite as ‘well done'.

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